Tuesday 18 December 2018

ILP Literacy

ILP Literacy Term 3 and 4

ILP Goal: Trey will use his POOD alongside his written work, to enhance his pathway knowledge using who, doing, what, where, when and what like.
Evaluation: Trey can use his PODD with the help of his teachers to support his written work. He understands colourful semantics and can create a sentence using it.
Next Step: Increase to the next colourful semantics steps. Putting all the parts together to make a sentence.

Literacy 2018 Term 3

Written Learning Goal: Trey will learn to write a letter.
Evaluation: Beginner. With assistance Trey can write a letter beginning with 'Dear' and finishing with 'from'. He has written letters to the principal, his old teacher, Mum and Dad.
Next Steps: Continue to learn along with class writing different topics.

Oral Language Goal: Trey will learn to present a letter to an audience.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey is able to read back his letter with help in the classroom setting.
Next Steps: More practice with presenting will help with Trey's confidence.

Reading Goal: Reading Level Beginning Words
Evaluation: Learner. Trey is starting to use information from the picture and his knowledge of letter sounds to help him decode new words. He is starting to give details about what is happening in the story.
Next Steps: Trey will stay on this level reading.

Literacy 2018 Term 4

Written Learning Goal: Trey will learn to write a poem.
Evaluation: Beginner. This term Trey has begun learning about writing down his own ideas in the form of a poem. He has listened while we have written class poems as a group.
Next Steps: Continue to use Trey's PODD to direct Trey's writing in alternative directions.

Oral Language Goal: Trey will present his poem to an audience.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey is able to read his poem to a teacher during class time with help. He is very clear in his speech and stand nice and tall when speaking.
Next Steps: Continue to have Trey presenting more of his work to gain confidence with this skill.

Reading Goal: Level Beginning words
Evaluation: Improver. Trey is doing well reading at this level, where letter formations are becoming more complex. He does well learning new words and talking about the contents of the story.
Next Steps: Continue reading at this level and discussing the contents of the words to ensure Trey is comprehending what he is reading.


Maths Term 3 and 4

Maths Term 3 and 4


Statistics Goal: Trey will participate in statistical activities and language.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey can participate in statistical activities and language. He can create a tally chart, bar graph and a line graph with his class.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to learn more about maths with statistics and collating this information. eg Titles, labels, y and x axis, bar and pie graph.


Time Goal: Trey will learn about Geometry.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey has improved his knowledge of shapes and is learning to make a repetitive pattern.
Next Steps: Trey will continue his knowledge of shapes and learn 4 shapes and patterns


Numeracy Goal: Trey will practice addition and subtraction skills
Evaluation: Beginner. Trey continues to be confident adding and subtracting in the range of 10.
Next Steps: Trey will continue practicing adding and subtracting skills with numicon.

Measurement Goal: Trey will learn about Measurement.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey has learnt more about tools used in measurement and how to measure and record information. He has used blocks, toys, and shapes to measure.
Next Steps: Trey will extend his knowledge to use more conventional units of measurement.

Thematic Unit - Emotions

Thematic Unit - Emotions

Thematic Goal: Trey will engage in physical tasks that encourage him to regulate his emotions. Trey will identify a range of emotions in learning tasks.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey engages in physical tasks that encourage him to regulate his emotions. Trey can identify 3 emotions. Trey can identify what emotion he is feeling and how he can show this to others from the photos.
Next Steps: Trey will keep practicing regulating his emotions and identify 2 more emotions.

Managing Self

Managing Self

Managing Self Goal: Trey will safely prepare and make a toasted sandwich and then cut this up using a knife and fork to eat with.
Evaluation: Beginner. Trey can butter a sandwich and start to prepare a toasted sandwich independently. He can use a knife and fork but sometimes forgets how to hold them.
Next Steps: Trey will continue practicing putting a toasted sandwich together.

ILP - Communication

ILP GOAL - Communication Term 3 and 4

Communication Goal: Trey will identify how others and himself are feeling and why, using ‘because…’
Evaluation: Learner. Trey will practice matching the selected emotion faces to emotion scenarios, for example, which emotion face would match with the picture of child with the bleeding knee.
Trey is also using a daily Positive sticker reward chart for a week at a time to monitor his feelings and how he can manage them. Most of the time he can stay positive and happy.
Next Steps: Trey will keep practicing regulating his emotions and identify 4 more emotions. Trey will continue using a Positive sticker reward chart to manage his feelings.

Physical Education

Physical Exercise

PE Goal: Trey will participate in learning games, including; Duck Duck Goose, Dodge Ball and What’s the Time Mr Wolf.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey can participate in games including Duck Duck Goose, What's the time Mr Wolf and follow the leader. He also participates in a run/walk around West Rolleston School each day.
Next Steps: Trey will learn 2 new games next term.

Soccer Term 3

Soccer Goal: Trey will participate in activities to learn soccer skills.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey can move the ball with his feet, kicking off the cone and aiming the kick to score a goal. Trey always has a go at everything we introduced.
Next Steps: Trey will keep practicing his soccer skill.

Athletic Term 4
Athletic Goal: Trey will participate in an athletic activity and participate in the West Rolleston School athletic sports day.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey can participate in athletic activities and events at school and in the Zones. Trey has practiced a variety of athletic sports including discus, shot put and running races.
Next Steps: Trey will keep participating in athletic sports next year and compete in the Zones.

PMP Term 3 and 4
PMP Goal: Trey will participate in PMP sessions which include movement to music and a rotation including a variety of exercises.
Evaluation: Independent. Trey can participate in a variety of motor movement which challenge him physically eg ball skills, bean bag toss and obstetrical course,
Next Steps: Trey will continue PMP activities to keep challenging him physically.

PMP activities this half of the year have focused on movement to music and small games which incorporate coordination, balance, body awareness, turn taking and rhythm all while following instructions. Students then move to small group circuit work consisting of pencil rolls to develop core strength, scooterboards for upper body strength, obstacles for coordination and motor planning and crawling through a tunnel aimed at improving bilateral movement, core strength and coordination.



Shopping Goal: Trey will put his money skills into practice and purchase 1 or 2 food items from a shop.
Evaluation: Learner. Trey can use his money skills to purchase one or two items with his $2. We have been visiting New World fortnightly as a class. Trey is very fond of the sweets aisle and he has been learning about what he can actually purchase with his money.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to purchase 1 or 2 items with his $2 from a shop.

Whanau Trip

In term 4 we had a Whanau Trip to Foster Park where Trey had fun playing on all the play equipment and eating lunch with his classmates, teachers, teacher aides and parents.