Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Physical Education and Health

Learning Goal: Trey will participate in learning a range of team games that require hitting a ball, fielding and communicating as a team player.
Evaluation: Trey has participated in hitting, fielding and throwing balls while playing T-ball with his peers.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to experience team activities with the focus on working as part of one team to reach a goal.

Learning Goals: 

1.Engage in learning activities that involve keeping themselves safe.
2.Learn “who” are the people that can help them and how to access that help.
3.Engage in learning activities to develop friendship skills.

Trey has engaged in activities involving naming the people in his life who he would ask to help him if he needed assistance. He has role played situations where he has had to ask for help and he has chosen to ask parents for help at home, and teachers for help at school. Trey knows that a police person will help him if he needs help out in the community. As part of friendship activities this term, Trey has participated in learning to pay a compliment to friends in our class. As part of 'boys club' Trey has also practiced skills around wiping his bottom in the correct direction and until it is clean.

Swimming: Trey will learn to hold the float correctly, kick with arms extended on his front. He will play in the water, relax and enjoy. Trey will put his face under and begin to blow bubbles.
With assistance Trey holds the kick board out front with straight arms and kicks his feet. He has been putting his face under the water more often and I have been showing him how to blow bubbles. Trey enjoys being in the water and playing safely with his friends.

Trey participated in physical activities with the goal of extending his fitness and well being by running or walking around the school field 2 or more times daily.
Trey was a keen participant in this exercise and as a result of this extra activity became more physically fit and energized.
PMP sessions this half of the year have focussed on teamwork, cooperation and decision making skills via a series of physical circuits, games and fun activities. Trey has had mixed success during these sessions and this is mainly due to his motivation at the time, when feeling comfortable Trey is able to accomplish most of the tasks asked of him and usually with a smile on his face. There have been times when he has required some ‘calming’ time but was then able to rejoin the group and continue on with the exercises.

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