1. Trey will use his PODD alongside his written work, to enhance his pathway knowledge using Who, Doing, What, Where and When?
Trey is an Achiever at forming a sentence using the symbolised Colourful Semantics scheme. He will appropriately and confidently select the correct symbols that identifies the who, doing, what, where and when to a chosen picture. With support Trey will retell this sentence using the pathways on his PODD , he is an Improver in this area and making motivated attempts.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to form sentences using the Colourful Semantics scheme, he will include what like into his sentence and he will construct the sentence using Clicker Sentences and then present to an audience and link this to his Literacy Oral Language goal.
Term 1
1.Trey will participate in learning a range of sports that are played at the Commonwealth Games.
Trey enjoyed exploring sports that were part of the Commonwealth Games which were televised during Term 1.Trey participated fully in all areas of the games and with some support. These activities include Tball (fielding and batting skills) Dodgeball and Duck, Duck, Goose.
Gymnastics Term 2
2. Trey will participate in floor gymnastics activities.
To continue exploring more around the Commonwealth Games. During Term 2, Trey has participated in gymnastics where he has created a floor sequence by focusing on individual moves each week, mastering them and then merging it together as a sequence. This includes the pike roll, forward roll, leap, teddy bear roll.
Money skills Term 2 2018 - Visit to New World to spend $2 on a food choice and try and save a little each week in order to have more money to spend at the next visit.
Oral Language
1.Trey will present a narrative that he has written using his PODD book.
Trey is Learner as he uses his PODD pathway pages to explain the structure of his narrative when presenting this to his peers. His speech and language skills have developed well this year and he is communicating a lot more.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to present his written work to an audience in order to enhance and maintain his oral language skills and presenting skills through his PODD.
2. Trey will work through the letter PM readers where he will use his PODD to locate words using pathways on his PODD
Trey is an Achiever as he confidently works through the letter PM books, using his PODD to locate words. Trey enjoys our reading rotation, he is motivated and likes to look at the Level 1 and 2 PM readers during this time as well.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to work through the level 1 PM readers and locate words using the pathways on his PODD.
3. Trey will learn to write a narrative,using Colourful Semantics symbols.
Trey is an Achiever when forming a narrative using Colourful Semantics symbols. Firstly Trey watches and listens to a narrative, such as a fairy tale, he then makes alterations to the characters, theme, or details of the plot, resulting in the creation of his own narrative using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker to choose from. Trey has enjoyed this activity this term and this is demonstrated in his motivation to complete the task accurately.
Next Steps: Trey will learn how to construct a letter to a friend using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker.
Learning Intention:
1. Trey will learn about Patterns.
2. Trey will learn about Grouping Numbers.
3. Trey will learn about Fractions.
Trey has been working hard with his Maths skills. He has been making good use of his PODD and linking it to his number work, his forward and backward counting is improving greatly. Trey is an Improver when he identifies groupings of numbers 1-5. He is an Improver when making sequencing patterns using colour. Trey has explored whole and half fractions towards the end of this term.
Next Steps: Trey will continue to become independent with his pattern making skills which forms good foundations to mathematical skills and number grouping skills. He will also continue to develop his communication skills for Maths using his PODD in all Mathematical areas.